Plant yourself by a stream of God's water!
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water. ~Psalm 1:3 We need to plant ourselves by a stream of water! So we always have life, be God filled, and do not wither and fade. We need to surround ourselves with the Bible, church, God, Jesus, religion, Holy Scripture, praise, and thanksgiving. We need God! When we have Jesus in our hearts, we can be happy and live with joy in this life! Today in my daily prayer email from Our Daily Bread , they said, "Bill is an older retired gentleman who lives alone and recently had to give up driving. He needs help to pick up groceries, prescriptions, and get to church on Sundays. “But you know what,” says Bill, “I love my days at home. I enjoy free worship music online and Bible teaching on the TV all day long.” Bill spends his days surrounded by Scripture, prayer, and praise. The habits we keep influence where our hearts are planted. Psalm 1 describes the habits of someone who has found favor in God: they delight in His tru...