Books on Miracles from God

There have been a lot of books and stories written about miracles from God. In the book, Miracles by  C.S. Lewis, he said that “seeing is not believing,” he defines a miracle as an interference with nature by some supernatural power. Christians should not only accept, but also rejoice in miracles as a testimony of the unique personal involvement of God in a person's existence. Almost everyone if they thought about it could identify a miracle in their own life. Reading about them, thinking about them, and writing about them are good testimonials to the fact that God exists, He loves us, and is here for us.  Give thanks each day to God and watch all the miracles happen in your own life!

    I read a really nice book on miracles called: Small Miracles: Extraordinary Coincidences from Everyday (2008) by Yitta Halberstam and Judith Leventhal.

I loved this book! It again makes you realize that nothing is luck or a coincidence, it is the arm of God performing a miracle in your life. I met my spouse this way, no coincidence, we literally bumped into each other. I was jogging down the road heading east and my spouse now was on a bike heading south, we crossed paths and the rest is history. We have been together now for over 21 years. If I had left one minute or five minutes later or earlier, maybe we would never have met, but this was all God's timing. God works in mysterious ways. His timing is always perfect. He knows what he is doing. Please count your blessings everyday and look for all the wonderful everyday miracles that are happening in your life each day.'


More books on miracles!

Please share your books and stories about miracles here that you have read and feel are worthwhile reading. Feel free to read the books mentioned above.

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  1. Pat Robertson wrote a really good book a few years back about miracles, called, Miracles Can Be Yours Today. He has been on the NY Times Best-Seller List for his writing. It is a great book! Enjoy and God bless!


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