God wants us to Love "Everybody Always" Like Jesus did When on Earth!


I really like books like Everybody Always by Bob Goff! It is an easy read, touches you, is really personalized with many great personal stories and experiences and reminds you that we here on Earth are asked by God to be more like Jesus when He was here physically on earth with human beings, God wants us to love everyone no matter what. Not pretend, not for a few minutes, not be hypocritical, but really love all people at all times no matter what, even if they have hurt you or mistreated you. While it is hard and a challenge, especially since as humans we always disappoint each other all the time, we all need to realize we are all human and  make mistakes and need to learn to forgive and love others no matter what.  Joel Osteen talks about all of this also a lot in his messages and books as well. I love people like this that write well and talk to you without putting on airs or any pretense. Humble writings like these can reach all people better. If all humans on earth could be more like Jesus Christ everyday and love everyone always without a second thought to it, we may then have peace here on Earth. While it may sound idealistic, if we all did our part and tried, we would then maybe have Heaven here on Earth, what a miracle that would be for humanity. Hope you enjoy the book and let's all think about the miracle we could create here on Earth if we all loved Everybody Always! 
