Rediscover God: Make this Cold Heart Start to Move, Help me Rediscover You Dear Lord!


“...I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound...”
(Philippians 4:11–12, NKJV)

The music and songs by Starfield are really wonderful. I love the song, Rediscover You.  It is a wonderful reminder that we often lose sight of God and our faith when we fall into the trap of this material world of do do do and have have have. We can easily be tempted to forget our faith and God. When we can put God first in our lives, pray, go to church, be kind, believe and stay in faith, and not get pulled down by the our crazy world we live in. Some of the words to Rediscover You are as follows:

"I need to just admit
My faith is paper thin
I'm feeling so burned out
On religion
I say an empty prayer
I sing a tired song
I need to just admit that the passion's gone
And I want to get it back
You told me
Look for You and I will find
So I'm here
Like I'm searching for the first time
Revive me, Jesus
Make this cold heart start to move
Help me rediscover You
I want to learn to pray
The way that David prayed
I want my soul to burn when I hear Your name
I want to feel like new
I want to hunger for you
Bring me back to life like only You can do
Cause I don't want to stay the same..."

Our God is a God of miracles, He can bring you back to Him! Revive me, Jesus. Make this cold heart start to move, help me rediscover You!
