The Ocean: A Gift from God, Truly Miraculous and a Blessing!

Photo by Furner Copyright 2020

This morning was so beautiful at the beach here in Palm Beach Florida! A green flag day! The water was so placid and swim-able.  Calm and clean, great for soaking and enjoying all the minerals God has placed in these precious waters. The Ocean really is a gift from God. The miracles that have occurred from entering the water, many say the ocean water takes away all their aches and pains and cleanses them.  I always feel like a million dollars after soaking in the sea water. Water seems to be very significant in the Christian world of Jesus Christ as their were many miracles involving water and the seas by Jesus, things like: Changing water into wine at the wedding at Cana, catch of fish at the Lake of Gennesaret, healing of the man at the pool at Bethesda, calming of the storm on the Sea of Galilee, healing of a man born blind at the Pool of Siloam, and walking on water at the Sea of Galilee to name a few. Water is significant in so many ways, all life depends on it. Many have testified to the healing powers of the Dead Sea to this day, the land of Jesus. The ocean water is rich in mineral salts such as magnesium, sodium and iodine, ocean water can be considered an antiseptic and has many healing powers. Even the salt air has powerful benefits. A guy I knew, David, who had cancer, said his doctor was surprised at how much his cancer shrunk as he went to the beach twice a day and swam in the ocean, it was miraculous.  Water is life! Some say the cure for anything is ocean water. Loren Eiseley says, “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” Enjoy the miracles that our ocean from God gives us all! 

