Blessed By God and as Strong as Ever!


I liked the Joel Osteen prayer for today! Very nice and very inspirational! I always pray for my spouse and I to have another 50-100 years of life and good health! So maybe we will also lived to be over 100. My spouses grandmother will be 102 next month. Some in my family, both mother and father's side lived into their 90's. What a blessing! I pray each day a few times, try to stay in constant prayer all day long with God! At the beach I love to pray too. Feel so close to God! It was so beautiful today! The colors and ocean water, it was lovely!  I am blessed to just teach one class this summer and a smaller class. It should be peaceful and the students are working away on all now. I feel as strong as ever!  I want to live for Jesus and do His will and be a good person like Dorothy Day helping others. We watch her movie last night and it was inspirational. I ask God to restore and heal me and my spouse and family. That we are healthy and well and at peace, happy, and in Spirit with God. I will trust you God to keep me strong and healthy, working toward making a difference for you and your plan and the purpose you want for me in my life. So so blessed! Help me to be strong as ever forever for you! 

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You have come into my life as my Savior, as my provider, and as my healer. Thank You for making it so clear that You are Jehovah Rapha, and that it is Your will to heal and restore. I will trust You to keep me strong and healthy, always taking new ground. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
