
Showing posts with the label Citizen of Heaven

All I know is I am not Home yet, this is not where I belong!

This Earth School is not our home, Heaven is our Home, we are on a journey, I'm on my way Home, we are Citizens of Heaven!

Stay joyful!

Live with an eternal mindset, not for this world! Try to live like Jesus while you are here on this Earth School!

It is very clear in this Bible verse who Jesus is and why we need to follow Him!

Help us not to be overcome by the world today. Keep our eyes fixed on our heavenly home, and help us press on toward the glory that awaits us there with You!

Fill us with Your grace, that we may be able to move through this evil world without faltering in our faithfulness! Help us to live out here on earth, our true life, the life of Jesus, the life of Heaven!