
Showing posts with the label Humble

Pride Changes Angels into Devils; Humility Makes People Into Angels!

We Need to Cast Out All Evil from Our Lives, But Also Fill Our Lives with God, Obey, Heed, Follow and Reflect Jesus, and Be People of Goodwill!

Do You Not Know that to Be a Lover of the World Means Enmity with God?

We See A lot of this Today by the Powers that Be, they Deceive Themselves Thinking They are or Know More than God Does!

God Listens to Us! He Wants Us to Obey Him, Not Sin, and Follow His Son Jesus!

We Have to Have Faith in the Lord, We are Not Worthy of Him Entering Our Home, But We Serve a Great God! He Only Cares About Our Faith in Him!

Humbling Myself to My Father! God's Word Brings Me My Faith and Peace!