Pride Changes Angels into Devils; Humility Makes People Into Angels!


It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.

~St. Augustine

Humility is the only way to live! Pride and vanity only make people into evil slaves for Satan, even angels. Look what it did to Lucifer! When we fall for things of this world, when we become prideful, we hurt ourselves greatly. We risk becoming slaves of this world, not living in Spirit, instead of things of this world, we become greedy, vain, prideful, conceited, it turns people into slaves for Satan, devils too. We have a choice, we can either be humble and exalt ourselves to Jesus and follow and reflect Him, or we can live without God, and be slaves for Lucifer. Which one do you want to follow? Most of our elected, government, and powers that be today are following Satan and have become devils too, they allow their greedy, pride, selfishness, and mediocrity to rule them and their lives. I saw this quote today by St. Augustine, I was watching a video with my spouse called Vecinos, when a neighbor helped his neighbor who was ready to commit suicide, to save his life, he was his angel, he saw someone who needed someone and intervened. We sometimes have to humble ourselves too and do the same, we can all be angels too for others. We need to live with Jesus, we need to follow and reflect Him, that is the only way, we need to humble ourselves to God, follow His son, obey God, follow the teachings of Jesus, be people of goodwill, be angels. We need to stop sinning! Turn from sin, follow Jesus! We need to overcome Satan's worldwide regime, Satan, the Dragon, the Prince of Persia, the devil may go by many names, but it is pride, it is hate, it is deceit, stay away, steer clear, be humble! We need to respect and fear Our Father in Heaven, humble and exalt ourselves to Him only! Be angels, not slaves for Satan! 
