
Showing posts with the label Joyful

This is the Day the Lord Has Made, Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad in It! We need to Always Be Singing God's Praises!

Oh Merciful Father, for Your Sake, That We may Hereafter Live a Godly, Righteous, and Sober Life, To the Glory of Your Holy Name!

Following Jesus, Receiving His Body and Blood in Communion, Going to Church Each Week, and Reflecting Jesus in My Life and My Salvation!

Our Everlasting God is Who Gives Us Power!

We Need to Praise God Anywhere Always!

We are Going Home When We Follow and Reflect Jesus!

Staying in Spirit! Not Letting Things of This World Bring Me Down-Death, Illness, Crime, Violence-All the Problems, Staying Positive, Loving, and Joyful!