
Showing posts with the label Quote

Use Our Gifts, Grace, and Talents from God Wisely, Being Disciples for Him in this Earth School Life!

Time is More Important Than Money, We Need to Spend it Wisely, as We Prepare for Heaven and What is Important in this Life for God!

Praying Each Day for All and Our World: Hoping to Make our Little Spot of the World Holier, Brighter, Sweeter, Happier!

Humbling Myself to God, Praying and Seeking His Face, Obeying Him, I Want to Spend Eternity in Heaven, We Have Such a Loving God!

Life without Love is like a Tree without Blossoms or Fruit, A World with So Much Hate Doesn't Have Many Blossoms or Fruit Either!

Blessed to Have a Reservation in Heaven When I Leave This Earth School of Sorrow!