
Showing posts with the label Seek

God Will Not Revoke His Word! We Need to Praise Him, Thank Him, Obey Him, and Follow and Reflect His Son Jesus!

This is the Day the Lord Has Made, Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad in It! We need to Always Be Singing God's Praises!

Only Trusting in God, Not Humans, Seeking Him, Not Treasures of this World!

Humbling Myself to God, Praying and Seeking His Face, Obeying Him, I Want to Spend Eternity in Heaven, We Have Such a Loving God!

God's Wisdom Is All We Need, Work Toward Getting into Heaven, Conform to the Ways of Jesus!

Blessed to Have Such a Loving God Who We Can Ask Always for His Wisdom!

Blessed to be a Descendant of Abraham, To Receive God's Mercy In My Life! To Live by His Spirit! To be Saved by Him!