
Showing posts with the label Serve

God Shall Wipe Away All Tears: A Promise We Need to Remember from the God We Serve!

I Am God's! I am His Child!

Heaven and Hell Both Exist, We all Need to Decide if We will serve God or the god of Earth, Satan, Where do We want to Spend Eternity?

Blessed When We Serve Only God, Not Money, Satan, and Things of This World!

For Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord!

When You Serve and Trust God, Miracles Can Happen like with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego!

We Need to Trust in God, Not Serve Money, Only God, He will Never Forsake Us or Leave Us, but Money Will!

We are Called by God, Called to Live Upright Lives, to Serve, to Be Disciples, and Evangelize for Christ!

Our Home is in Heaven with Jesus, Not this Earth World, We Must Not Love this World or Things of this World!