
Showing posts with the label World

Sin, Lawfare, and Hate are the Big Problems in the World Today, Because People do Not Have Jesus and the Holy Spirit in Them!

Our World Needs to Stop Sinning! Especially Our Elected, So-Called Leaders, and Powers that Be!

Live in the Light, Stay Away from the Darkness of this World, Against the Spiritual Wickedness in High Places as the Bible Tells Us!

God Wants to Bless Us! Receive His Impartation Every Single Day!

Miracles Abound: Remain Joyful in the Lord, We Have Power in Jesus Christ as His Disciples to Heal the World over Governments!

Praying for this World, Praying for God's Truth to Shine on All!

If You Have Jesus, You Will Have Everything You Need, You Will Be Okay! You'll Have it All!

Pray for More Holiness and an End to the Clown Shows/Banana Republic Governance We See in Society Today!