Attitude is Everything: With the Right Attitude You can Bring Miracles to Yourself and Others!


I have always loved this quote about Attitude by Charles Swindoll. I use it in my classes when I teach one for the percentages for teaching math mentioned in it and the other for the overall message of how we need to live our lives and be toward others as far as how we react to others and problems. I work a lot with pre-service teachers and I always say that it is so important that teachers have the right attitude and dispositions for working with students and learners. As teachers we want to make a real difference in the lives of our students.I decided to copy the quote over on top of one of my favorite photos from a beach sunrise. If we have a good attitude always and react well in every situation, our lives are going to be so much better for us and others. Attitude really is everything! We can be true miracles with a good attitude! 


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