God Will Never Turn His Back on You: Turn Your Past Over to Him!


We all need to remember that God will never turn His back on us! Never!  We can turn over our past to Him and He will forgive us always. God loves us so much. He put us all here on Earth for a purpose. We are here to serve and love one another.  Today it seems like so many people are carrying around so much from their past, quilt, shame, fear, past mistakes, and sins. Things they have done or said that have hurt others. We need to remember that Jesus came to Earth, our God, Emmanuel, God with us. God came in human form through Jesus Christ to be part of His creation. He died for us and our sins and forgives us for all sin and out past. This in itself is a miracle. Turn your past over to God, you are forgiven! God loves you and He wants you to live the life of a victor, not a victim. You do not have to carry any baggage or your past with you. You are forgiven by God! What a miracles, Hallelujah! 

Please listen to these great songs about forgiveness!

Crowder - Forgiven on YouTube

Matthew West - Forgiveness on YouTube


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