Let Go of All your Sins and Mistakes: Turn it All Over to God!

"If you let go a little you will have a little peace. 
If you let go a lot you will have a lot of peace." 
-Ajahn Chah

This morning when I watched Joel Osteen and then an Episode of Touched by An Angel, both shows had a similar theme, The Power of Letting it Go! Sometimes we need to realize that it is not healthy to carry around old baggage or negative feelings. Let it all go, whether it is a sin, a failure, someone hurt you, someone close to you passed on, and someone else got the promotion over you,  etc. all of these can hold us back from going forward. On Touched by An Angel they said the reason God put our face and our eyes on the front of our body is so we can see going forward, not going backward. We need to go on and move on, let things go and turn all over to God. We need to pretend that our mistakes never happened. God gave us free will for a reason, he knows we will mess up sometimes, sometimes all of this brings you closer to Him and that is what He wants. We need to learn to walk away from or let go of problems and past issues and go forward, not allowing this baggage to hold us back. it is hard to do, but we need to turn it all over to God and use the power of letting it go and let God. This is a miracle that God offers each of us always. 
