Life Begins at Conception: All Life is a Miracle from God and we Need to Value and Treasure it in a Civilized/Humane Society
Life Before Birth - In the Womb (Click Above)
“I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is 'Abortion', because it is a war against the child... A direct killing of the innocent child, 'Murder' by the mother herself... And if we can accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love... And we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts...”
― Mother Teresa
Life for one of God's children begins at conception/fertilization, a new human genome is formed within the physiology of a living cell in a women's body. The single cell that results from conception (the zygote) is genetically human, self-developing and therefore is an individual human being at that very moment of conception. Conception may take place as soon as three minutes or it may take up to five days after intercourse according to: The photo above shows the development of a baby at 12 weeks in the womb, you can already see most human features. What a miracle from God! All life is sacred! All life matters, even a life growing inside of a womb. ALL life has a right to thrive and live. It truly is a miracle that we can replicate as human beings, a gift from our Almighty Creator! The Associated Press said that the number and rate of abortions across the United States have plunged to their lowest levels since the procedure became legal nationwide in 1973. According to the CDC data the highest number of abortions took place in 1990 with almost 1,500,000. There is a downward trend with abortions in the past ten years or so in the USA, to date according to CDC there have been approximately 48 million abortions reported to them in the USA to date since it was legalized. This is a very large population loss to our country. Sad for humanity and our civilization as we know it here. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was a leader in addressing the abortion battle back in the 1970's. His prayer is well known. I say this prayer daily for an end to abortion, I also pray we put an end to the death penalty in our world too. Please consider saying the following prayer:
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of [baby’s name]
the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.”
- Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
I applaud the new movie Unplanned for also addressing the issue of abortion and its impact on our society and who we are as human beings. The story is authentic and based on true events. It was actually shown at national cinemas and has made a real impact. If you get a chance to watch it, you will really be inspired to stand up for life. Abby Johnson received a miracle and started the fight of her life to end abortion even after being in charge of an abortion clinic herself. She saw firsthand the damage it has on society and even young women. Most young women regret or carry this baggage around with them for their rest of their lives when they have had an abortion, it impacts their future gravely. In the movie they include the organization, 40 Days for Life at: This nonprofit goes and prays in front of abortion clinics, saying the rosary and not interfering other than to pray with the hope that they can prevent and stop future abortions. Prayers are powerful, a miracle in many cases to saving lives of the innocent, helpless, unborn babies in the womb. 40 Days for Life cites on their website:
What a savings and a blessing this nonprofit is doing for the unborn and all of humanity as a whole. I donate to them each year. I applaud what they do and hope to join them some day in prayer in front of a clinic. I love that the marches on Washington, DC are growing each year against abortion, it is beautiful to see so many women and families valuing a pro-life stance today. I pray every day for an end to abortion and the death penalty in our world. I feel pro life is the only way a humane civilized society should operate. My spouse and I are Catholic and pro life and proud of this fact. We believe it is the only right way to be. All life is a miracle from God, a true gift, no human being has the right to take the life of another human being, even if it is inside of them. Respect life, see the miracles of God at work. God bless you all, please pray for an end to abortion in this world.
Amen, I prayed today for an end to abortion. Thank you!