Blessed with Miracles, Blessings, and Favor This Thanksgiving and Always With God on Our Side!


Blessed and so so grateful! We have had many miracles, blessings, and favors from God this year. He is always by our side protecting us and blessing us. We had so real miracles this year as well and so so grateful for all His favor! We has a blessed Thanksgiving in our new home, our first Thanksgiving in our new home in the country! So so quiet today, peaceful and blessed!. We are grateful for so much this year and always! We are together, in love, and have so many blessings and miracles to be grateful for. God has never failed us! We are grateful for our God, His son Jesus Christ came to this Earth in human form so that we can live in eternity with him and have our sins forgiven. Tonight on Univision, they have the movie, Son of God on TV. We never live a day without thanking God for all, praying to Him, and having His Holy Spirit be part of us each day. Christmas is on the way, as we celebrate His birth, His Love, His Hope, and His Peace. All things are possible through Christ who Strengthens Us.  May God continue to bless us, protect us, and be with us always until the end of time on Earth and then in Eternity with Him in Heaven. Happy Thanksgiving! May the power of the Holy Spirit Be Upon All of Us Always! Just Ask for it, it is free, God's Thanksgiving to all of Us! 
