Live Inspired, Live in Spirit, Live with God in your Heart: Don't Edge God Out(EGO)!


Bloom where you are planted!

Today it is so important that we live with inspiration, be inspired, live in Spirit, live with God in us!  I have always loved the writings of Dr. Wayne Dyer now for many years. I used to like watching him speak on PBS. I have read many of his books and really agree with so much he says and writes about. The world has become a crazy place, we are far from God and living without Spirit. We need God in our lives. Dr. Dyer always spoke about ego a lot. He said that Ego stands for Edging God Out, when we live and focus on our ego and ourselves, live selfishly and without thought of how all we do can impact others, it can be hurtful to our society as a whole. Today we see so much selfishness in our world. I saw a lot of it recently where we used to live in a fancy condo by the beach, many people did not have God in their hearts. It showed.  A place almost devoid of God. A lady that I knew when I used to visit a friend at the nursing home here close to where I live, Jane, used to always tell me that we have to "bloom where we are planted." She always was happy, friendly, had the best smile, and she was in a wheel chair and could not walk, but she had the biggest smile and was the sweetest person, never complained.  I noticed she was saying a rosary one day on a broken rosary and since I make rosaries, I brought her a new rosary the next time I visited and gave it to her. She was so moved and appreciative. She was one of the kindest souls I have ever met.  She inspired me!  She is no longer with us like Dr. Dyer, they are in Heaven with God, but I still remember her always saying that we have to bloom where we are planted. So many souls that have gone before us, like my parents have also been so inspiring to me. We need to live an inspired life, look for the miracles and be the miracles for others in this world.  May God bless you all! 

Watch Dr. Wayne Dyer speak about Inspiration here on YouTube! 

I read this book and it is wonderful! 

God bless Dr. Wayne Dyer, 1940-2015
