Never Settle for Less than God's Best: Never Going Back to OK or Accepting Mediocrity


The Afters ~ "Never Going Back To Ok"  on YouTube

Today we live in a world of dysfunction, chaos, and mediocrity.  We see it everyday on TV and in the news and when we are out and about, at work, in public, or driving. We have so many rules and laws, but hardly any are ever followed or enforced. I see it right here in the condo community I live in too. Like my brother always says, "laws and rules are always for the other people, not for the rule breakers," that is the mentality of so many today. There is a reason why glass bottles and wine glasses are not allowed close to a pool. Why we have rules about smoking in public places or bringing dogs on public beaches where people walk shoe-less.  Today we see a lot of people not doing their jobs well, they try to cheat the system or just do not put their all into anything. They want to rise to the top, kiss up or be a yes people, yet do not have the qualifications to be in upper management positions, but they finagle their way up.  While we see all the mediocrity and dysfunction, there is not a lot we can do about it, other than using the PUSH Principle and Pray Until Something Happens, for things to improve.  Like Joel Osteen always says, we should never settle for mediocrity, we need to have high standards, work hard, have principles, and always do our very best in all we do in life. God will reward us in Heaven and often times here on Earth when we do. Never settle for mediocrity. Be a miracles for God and an excellent example of a human being to always have high standards, work hard, and keep God first in your life! God bless you always! Enjoy the song and the wonderful message! 
