Padre Pio's Life and Legacy: Prayers and Faith Bring Miracles


Today I watched a short movie on the life of Padre Pio. I have always admired him and liked many of his prayers and his story. The story talked about his strong faith in God and how he was stigmatized and had the same piercings that Jesus had, he always felt part of Jesus in receiving his pain. Padre Pio was very sympathetic toward the people and spent countless hours hearing confessions of people and their sins. Padre Pio was always in bad health and felt a lot of pain always. He did live until 80 years old. He was canonized as a saint and the photo below shows Pope Francis with his incorruptible body, which is another miracle. Padre Pio really believed in prayer and he said he was always in peace when he prayed. He tried to always be in prayer all that he could. He even said that we needed to take God to the sick as it is more than any other cure. There are several websites and cases of proof that prayer has healed people of sicknesses. I remember when we were young growing up a neighbor friend of ours from school up the road from us had cancer and his mother who went to our church wanted us all to pray so hard for him and he overcame his cancer. Joel Osteen's mother also had cancer and was healed from her terminal diagnoses. Padre Pio felt all people could work toward sainthood.   The life of Padre Pio was a true miracle! 

Websites on Stories of Healing through Prayer

This website has a list of many incorruptible bodies of Saints at:
