Stingray, So Beautiful a Blessing to See in Nature!

Today when I went to the beach as I entered the ocean water I saw a stingray swim away as I entered, it swam off a little ways. They tend to be shy and I have seen them many times before. They like to burrow in shallow water. They are not know to sting you or hurt humans, but can if startled. I used to live in Colombia and we used to go to San Andres Island, part of Colombia off the coast of Nicaragua.  This is my favorite island escape. It is a small pristine virgin island in the Caribbean, one of my favorite places to visit for a peaceful vacation. I once went with my spouse on a tour to see the stingrays and we were allowed to get out and touch them and even hold them. They were very docile there and it was shallow water and beautiful.  Enjoy the photos and if you go to the beach here you may see stingrays often in the summer class to shore, they often will swim away and are very timid creatures. They really are true miracles from God, so beautiful to see! 


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