"The Cares of This World," Jesus Said, "Will Choke God's Word."--- We Need to Focus on God and Heaven More, Not This Material World!

It seems like we as humans while on Earth become too consumed by this material world we live in, always on the go, always working to achieve or get more, to earn more, to do more, to accumulate more material things or titles here on Earth. Is this really what God intended for us while here? What is our true purpose here on Earth? Is it to make a lot of money, have a lot of titles and success, gain a lot of property and material goods? Are these really the riches God had intended for us or are they all just distractions here are they choking God's word and what He expects of us while on Earth?  Are we really here to serve each other? To live by God's word, not the cares of this world? What miracles does God really have in store for all of us when we turn our lives over for Him? 

I always loved this song by Amy Grant from many years ago, a nice message that "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and light to my path!"  We need to live by God's word and not become so consumed by this material world we live in. Feel free to listen to both songs and do a comparison. Both Flashback songs! 

Amy Grant - Thy Word on YouTube


Madonna - Material Girl on YouTube

I love Madonna and have many of her albums. I have actually seen both Madonna and Amy Grant in Concert, many years apart. Amy Grant in Rochester New York around 1985 and Madonna in Miami Florida a few years ago. They are both great performers. I love both of these songs. We do live in a material world and we do need to try to live by God's Word, Thy Word. 


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