Venus Shining Brightly in the Early Morning with a Palm Tree


I love looking up! I love to be able to identify planets and constellations. Orion is one of my favorite constellations. I love Venus too as it is often out in the evening and early morning too and easy to see and identify since it is one the the closets planets to Earth. I took this photo this morning when walking to the pool for a swim at about 6:30am. I put a red arrow in the photo in case you missed Venus, I will add the photo below without the arrow. What a miracle from God to see all of these creations. We truly are blessed and have a great God. The wonder he implores in us all is just amazing. I love my Planet Tracker App I have on my cellphone it helps me a lot to know which plants are out and when and where. Go out and enjoy looking up, see all of God's creations and give thanks for all the miracles in our world! 
