We Were Created to Stretch and Feel Uncomfortable so We Can Grow: The Miracle from God!

Today Joel Osteen spoke about how we were created to stretch and grow and we have to feel uncomfortable so that we can grow in his message this week on his ministry.  When we are challenged and confronted with problems and issues, this all is helping us to grow, it challenges our faith, it often brings us closer to God. This is all part of all of our lives. When we are confronted with a loss, a death, a setback, a confrontation, hurt, pain, etc. We need to see all of this is a time for growth. I time to get closer to God and to grow spiritually. Sometimes we need to take risks and not see setbacks as something negative in our lives.. Use your calling over comfort.

 In our Church this week the reading from Jeremiah 20:7-9 was also powerful, it made me realize that although God  is bringing something alive in the inside for us. Do not conform to this world and what the world wants, fulfill your purpose in God by doing what is right by Him, not of this world and its people. Read this from Jeremiah:

"O Lord, you misled me,
    and I allowed myself to be misled.
You are stronger than I am,
    and you overpowered me.
Now I am mocked every day;
    everyone laughs at me.
When I speak, the words burst out.
    “Violence and destruction!” I shout.
So these messages from the Lord
    have made me a household joke.
But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord
    or speak in his name,
his word burns in my heart like a fire.
    It’s like a fire in my bones!
I am worn out trying to hold it in!
    I can’t do it!"

Spread the word of God that is on fire in your heart. Know that God will take you where you cannot go on your own. Let God take you out of your comfort zone and help you to step up to your purpose in life and to grow in the love of God. Accept this miracle from God in your life! 


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