Welcomed by a Squirrel at the Beach this Morning: Pure Heaven at the Beach, So Soothing, Clean, and Calm-A True Blessing!


This Squirrel welcomed me when I came to the beach this morning. Two days in a row, he is so friendly! The ocean was beautiful, so clean, clear, and calm. I really enjoyed the water, so soothing and I soaked for an hour or so,  It always feels so good. I say my prayers and do my water aerobic and enjoy my swim. I like holding some stones, shells, or rocks and release all my pain, negativity, and ill feelings and pray and then release them all into the water and leave at peace and completely in bliss. There were some families and kids, they were all enjoying the beach, we all seemed so at peace today. This beach is such a blessing and miracle for so many of us. I need it everyday like I do God, they go hand in hand, I feel God when I am here at the beach soaking in that water. Hope you have a blessed day too! 
