You are Anointed: You Came Through Your Mother, but are a Good Seed From God!
We all need to remember that as God's children, we are anointed, we have royal blood in us, God's DNA, we are royalty from our God and King, not slaves or second class to anyone. Like Joel Osteen says, we are good seed because we come from God. Joel says that the problems and obstacles in our lives are the fertilizer that helps us grow into something really beautiful. We need to realize that and always stay on the high road. Never let anyone bring you down to their level or forget you our God's good seed and royalty from Him. God planted you at the right time in your life to grow. He has you here for a reason whether it is to spread the good word of God or help make others grow and convert and come to Him. God wants all of us to have Him in our lives. Joel says that God's promises are seeds and that faith must be mixed with God's promises in the Bible. To have faith is to believe! Always mix your faith with God's promises and when you add Amen to it, you are saying, you believe! Never be a victim, God wants you to be a victor always. Bloom where you are planted and remember you are good seed and are growing in the image of our God and Source. With God all things are possible. Keep the faith and grow in the Lord. What a miracle and blessing we all are here on Earth!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love