A Real Miracle: Don't Allow Strife in Your Life!
As humans we need to learn to not take the bait and allow strife into our lives for no reason. It is critical we stay at peace always. We need to learn to apologize when it wasn't even our fault and let things go. As they say in the Bible, blessed are the peacemakers. It is always better to never engage in conflict or strife. Let the other person be right even if you know they are wrong just to keep the strife out of your life. It is always important to stay on the high road so to prevent division or strife with others. Pray to God for blessings so to stay in peace and not allow strife into your life and relationships. We all need to learn to walk away and allow God to fight our battles for us. We need to save stress from taking hold in our lives by not allowing disharmony and strife in at all. Being a peacemakers is real miracle work in action. When we can live this way we will find we have more peace and harmony in our lives. We need to say no to strife always. Be that peacemaker and a miracles waiting to happen in this world!
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