Be a Miracle and Take the High Road Even When All Seems Against You


As humans we need to learn to always take the high road even when all seems to come against you. When people talk bad about you. When they abuse you or are mean, abusive, greedy, and corrupt. When all around you are just all about mediocrity and no one has high standards or keep you in the gutters. Lift yourself out, take the high road and do not let anyone bring you down. People who have power seem like they abuse it and mistreat you  or do things to hurt you intentionally, take the high road any way. Pray for all who come against you. Remember that no weapon formed against you will ever prosper. God is always on your side. Even if someone talks bad about you, gives you a hard time, or abuses their power toward you, still take the high road. We need to always remember to take the high road and pray for them, forgive them, and raise your head up high and know that God is your vindicator and he will always come to your defense and protect you when you have faith in Him and live by His word. Take the high road, don't come down to the level of bad people who abuse their power, talk bad about others, or mistreat you. God knows all about this and these people, he is hoping you can be the example of who not to be. God your father is in heaven and He knows your heart and wants you to take the high road and even when you are talked about and mistreated He will defend you and not allow any weapon used against you to prosper. This is His miracle when we practice ours by taking the high road all the time. While it is not easy. It is the best thing we should do as we live here on Earth. You be a miracle and God will be as well! 
