Choosing Life One Day at a Time: The Osteen Books can Bring a Lot of Peace and Hope, Easy, Yet Powerful Reads!


Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going 
to determine how you're going to live your life.
-Joel Osteen

Over the years I have really enjoyed the books by Joel Osteen and his family. I read the one from his mom daily, Choosing Life One Day at a Time. It offers a daily devotional with a Bible verse, short passage, and then a prayer from Dodie. I really like this book and its daily prayer, it is a great guide and message for living each day at a time. I recently received a few new books by Joel for a small donation, they send you his books. 30 Thoughts for Victorious Living and The Abundance Mind-Set are two short books and offer so much, I read a few pages each day and they offer thoughtful advice and peace for one's life. God's Best for You is new too and is very sweet.  I always say you cannot go wrong with readings by Joel. I make him my second church each week. Although we are Catholic and go to mass in person, I always make it a habit of watching his show each week or a few times if I can, even if they are repeats you can still glean a great deal again. Joel Osteen really offers so much hope in an inspiring and non-judging way. I highly recommend his writings and that of his mom. His mother wrote a book as well about how she defeated cancer which I thought was so thoughtful and courageous of her telling her story of how she overcame her cancer, titled Healed of Cancer. If you want peace in your life, if you want high standards and no mediocrity, read the books by the Osteen's, they will impact your life in a very positive way. They may even help you actualize some miracles in your own life! 
