God Created this Beautiful Universe and Planet We Live On and Gave Humans Free Will: Humans Will Decide if We Want to Make Heaven Here on Earth!

God created this beautiful planet we live on and this universe. He made it all for us! It is beautiful!The beaches, the mountains, the Grand Canyon, rivers, lakes, the forests, the oceans, sky, rain, water, wind, rainbows, etc. It is all from Him. We are His children, royalty from God The truth is that we exist here on Earth. God gave us all. He also gave each of us free will. The way we use our free will here on Earth and the way we unite and work together as one to preserve this great gift from God is up to each one of us in how we all get along and treat our planet. Free will and how we act and respond to things are up to each one of us. Our attitudes are critical. Our own egos and selfishness are the biggest problems for all of us here on this Earth from God. If and when we as humans live in selfish ways, thinking only of ourselves, not following rules or laws, or being greedy, corrupt, jealous, envious, being abusive to ourselves and others, all of this leads to the chaos and dysfunction here on Earth. It really is up to each one of us to recognize and be grateful for this world God has given us and to take care of is and leave in peace and harmony with all other humans. Each one of us plays a role! 

Our world and existence really is a miracle from God. We need to use this free will He gave us to take care of our world and each other. Dr. Wayne Dyer says ego stands for edging God out(EGO). When we as humans remove God from our lives and live without recognizing all He has done and continues to do for us, this is where all the problems come into play in our world today. It is that easy folks, we need to remove ego and selfishness from our world, recognize and praise God for all, and work together for peace and harmony of all of us here on Earth. And then maybe we can finally achieve Heaven here on Earth for all of us while we are here! The miracles is within each of us and it comes from God we all just need to use our free will together in the right direction and then we will have peace on Earth! 
