Keep Hope Alive Even When the Evil Rises: God has Got This!


Mandisa, Jon Reddick - You Keep Hope Alive on YouTube

Never lose faith and keep you hope in God, He is fighting your battles. Even when evil arises in your life, never lose faith in God. He has this! He will come to your aid. Today can be pretty rough. There are so many aggressive people, even some old men can be mean spirited, unethical, and do things that are hurtful to other people.  When we get down by all the greed, corruption, selfishness, and mediocrity, know that God is teaching you lessons about life and when you see this, it is making your stronger and better as a person, many go to their grave never learn about being righteous and Godly, God wants us to, all these lessons that can bring us down or make us sad when exposed to so much evil. It is not always easy, I feel distressed now too.   However, we need to keep the faith and know that God is fighting your battles and will get you through this if you keep hope alive always. God has got this! That is the miracle of His grace! e sees everything. Never lose hope! 
