Muscovy Ducks: Such Blessings Here Where I Live


Muscovy Ducks are very commonly seen in Florida.  I see a lot here where I live. They come right up to me often. They are protected by the State of Florida. According to, “Muscovy ducks are unusual Florida residents. They hiss instead of quack, they fly clumsily, and they somehow flourish in Florida's urban environment. Native to Central and South America, they have lived in Florida for many years and can be found near lakes and canals statewide.”  I see these ducks and ducklings daily around where I live. I love seeing their little babies. These ducks are docile and will often come right up to you. They want you to give them food.  For me it is a blessing to see them out and about. Real miracles from God! 

This photo was taken behind my place one day when I walked out side, they cam right up to me. So cute! 
