Oh Come Holy Spirit: Our Worth Comes from God!


I love the prayer called, Prayer for Application to the Holy Spirit!  See it above. I love saying this prayer daily and especially if I have some type of problem. It is so nice to think about in bringing God into your life, it says "I never want to be separated from you ever and in spite of all material illusions I wish to be with you eternally, how beautiful, it is all about having the Spirit of God within us always, "this is something so beautiful to ponder and strive for. 

We all need to know that we can do anything with God. We need to live by His words and be good people and know that our worth comes from Him and Him alone. While people, friends, family and alike bring you down or hurt you or say bad things about you, know that our worth comes from God, not from other people. There are a lot of people today that think having a lot of money, a Mercedes or Porsche is what makes us who we are, or if we hold an elected office or are someone in an administrative role that we are somehow better, we are not, our worth comes from God, not from all these material and worldly things. We should always know that God loves us so much. He forgives us. He has so much mercy and love for us. This should be enough. Just live for Him, not for others or yourself, trying to get more or be more, proving yourself to others, none of that matters, be a Godly person seeking God, keeping hope alive, and knowing that your worth comes from God and then so many miracles will come your way!  
