We Can All Be a Part of Creating Miracles Here on Earth as Long as We do not Allow the Cancers of Greed, Corruption, Selfishness, and Mediocrity to take Hold
As we all know from the Bible they talk about the Seven Deadly Sins, which are as follows:
The website, https://www.bibleinfo.com/en/questions/what-are-seven-deadly-sins, describes each in detail. Today in our world and in society we see a lot of cancers of greed, corruption, selfishness, and mediocrity, these all seem to lend themselves to a lot of the problems in our world, cancers so to speak. People are very greedy and do anything to make more money or take advantage of others. Some can be very corrupt in their business dealings and every day life interactions, there seems to be a lot of fraud and other corrupt acts in our society as we see and hear in the news. Unfortunately, many people today have become so selfish and only think of themselves, never taking into consideration their neighbors, other family members, and colleagues. We have become a very me me me society, it is all about me. Ego can hurt others and leads to pride, wrath, envy, etc. Then there is mediocrity, we accept lower standards for ourselves and world and others, it seems more and more that this has become a real problem as no one strives to be the very best, lust, gluttony, sloth, and wrath all can come out of us settling for mediocrity within our own lives and what we project or do as far as work and contributions to society. Imagine, our world could be Heaven here on Earth if we all did are part to not be this way. If we all thought more of each other and tried to be more like Jesus when he lives here. God came here in love, it was all about love, we did not accept that and had Him put to death on a cross and decided these wicked ways are better. God still loves us and forgives us just the same. In fact, the gift of God's love is the miracle you can give to anyone if you wanted to. We really could have Heaven here on Earth!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love