Wisdom is a Gift and Miracle from God


I thought, ‘Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.’ But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.  It is not only the old who are wise, not only the aged who understand what is right.
-Job 32: 7-9

We should always pray and ask for God's wisdom always. God's wisdom is the most important thing we can pray for from Him. His grace too and good health, but most importantly wisdom. The priest a few weeks ago spoke about this at mass recently too. I love the Bible verse from Job about this as well. I read it yesterday in Dodie Osteen's book. We often think that people who are older or up in age are more wise and have greater understanding. This is not always the case. It can be, but when the breath of our Almighty God has given such wisdom and understanding. I am usually so often impressed with older people, many seem so wise and so close to God, they are wise. I like associating and doing things with them so much. My neighbor Hilda who is almost 90 is so wise about plants, she has such a green thumb and always impresses me. She is close to God too. Many older people are, but not always. Sometimes you see an 85 year old man far from God, not wise or understanding and being mean, saying nasty things, and just completely cruel and with little compassion or God in their hearts. Wisdom and being wise is not something of elderly people, rather people of God and of any age. The important thing is to always live with God in our hearts, then the wisdom and understanding of God will be a part of you. Never under estimate the power of God and His influence in your life, be open to His wisdom and understanding, His love and His compassion.  God can be a miracle in your life and offer His understanding and wisdom when you let Him into your heart and life! 


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