Change the Channel to Something Positive: Apply the Abundance Mind-Set!


I am enjoying this little book by Joel Osteen. I am not interested in it as far as abundance in a material sense or getting more money or wealth, more so an abundance of peace and tranquility in my life. I am blessed to be on a sabbatical this year and off from work, it is a true blessing. I work hard to stay in peace always. Going to the beach everyday and saying my prayers are one big thing. I also take the long way to go most places to avoid a lot of traffic and congestion or crazy drivers. I love this book as it talks about staying positive and to have an abundance mind-set you need to stay positive and not focus on the negative and when you are confronted with going to the negative, you change the channel so to speak and think of something positive. I have been practicing this the past few days and Joel talks well about it in his book to, how important it is to always be able to change your channel and stay positive and think of positive thoughts(channels) whenever you are down or feeling a negative thought or image. It really has made me feel so much better. I think about all good things that have happened, and remove any negative thoughts or channels. It does absolutely no good to dwell on the past or rerun a negative image or channel in your mind, when you do, think of positive things that have happened, and rerun those in your mind replacing anything negative, this is a big part of the abundance mind set, it does not good to rehash or think about the past or negative occurrences, always change to focus on positive ones, change the channel as Joel Osteen says. This can be a real blessing and miracle in your life and help you lead to an abundant life that is very fulfilling! 
