God is Always Carrying You When You Cannot Go on Your Own: Do You See the Miracles of His Footprints in Your Life?


God is a loving, forgiving, and merciful God. He is with us always and will always help us to get through any difficult situations. Even when you do not know it, He is there carrying your through many difficult times. Never lose faith or trust in Him! He will get your through anything. I have always loved this "Footprints" story from years ago. It is a great reminder that God is with us, Emmanuel! He will get us through anything in life. His footprints in our lives are real miracles for us, whether we see them or not, He is there, carrying us, helping us get through any tough times. Never lose faith, never lose hope. Put your trust in God! Keep the faith! he will get all of us through anything. Enjoy the beach, feel God in your heart, know and put your full trust in Him. His will be done, He will carry you through anything!  Jesus said that He is with us always! Never lose hope of His promises and miracles in your life! 
