Pray for Peace Even When You Experience Disappointment, Childish Behavior, or Rage and Hate from Others!

When you come across people, even friends, family, workmates, and neighbors who disappoint you, who are childish, and who seem to have gone off the deep end with rage and hate, pray for them, pray for their peace, well being, wisdom, and grace!  Although we are living in trying times with the pandemic and all, we need to resist judging others and what is causing their disappointment and childish behavior. We are certainly living in different times today and need to turn all over to God and focus on God in our lives and let go and let God and know many are frustrated and acting out more today because of all that is going on in our society. Stress, frustration, and depression can cause a lot of odd reactions in people, do your best not to react, but to pray for their peace and well being and turn it all over to God for them in your prayers. Image a world of peace and calm where we all love one another and are at peace. Pray for more peace, pray for unity, and pray that we all pray more in our society and turn all over to God. We were not put on this Earth to solve all the problems ourselves or handle all that has been thrown at us. If someone has disappointed you,  or acted childishly in response to you, of if you just sense they are not at peace, pray for them, pray for their peace and well being and then see the blessings and miracles of God go to work so that there is more peace for all of us! 
