Praying for Peace and Well Being for All!


We are living in crazy times with many people upset, angry, anxious, depressed, at odds with others, frustrated, etc. People are really feeling a lot today in our society. I know I see it in my realm of friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors today. I am praying for all people for their peace and well being that God can come into their hearts and minds and take over and give them more peace and joy and less negative feelings and frustrations. God please give us all more peace and well being, more good health, wisdom, and grace to be people of good will to all get along with each other and live truly in peace being joyful and full of love for each other and our world as a whole. God please let your blessings and miracles take hold in the lives of all of us to have more hope and faith and to bring us more peace in these trying times. Thank you God for all you have done for all of us! 
