Nationalism is an Infantile Disease According to Albert Einstein: One World, One God
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."
-Albert Einstein
Today in an age of division and nationalism we need to be careful about taking a stand and allowing nationalism or patriotism to take such a hold in our lives or political parties to become divided in such a way that we have no unity and hate and division occurs. In the song Revolutionary that I played below in a post it talks about this as well. God made us more than just Americans, Colombians, Europeans, etc. There is something a lot greater than all of this, it is God! Again, we need to stop pondering things that are earthly. We all need to be careful not to get so far away from our faith and God and become childish in our ways to allow nationalism, politics, or elections to pull us apart. It can be all very childish and infantile like Einstein suggests. I have always disliked when I hear our presidents in the USA or others saying "this country is the best country in the whole wide world." It is offensive to all other countries and not true, all countries are great countries, one not better than another and no one should ever be so selfish or with such an ego to think that only their country is the best country in the world. I wish we would rise above all of this as it seems childish. In an interview in 1929 Albert Einstein when asked by an interviewer, Viereck: "Do you look upon yourself as a German or as a Jew?" Einstein said: "It is quite possible, to be both. I look upon myself as a man. Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." Einstein reiterates the mindset in "My Credo" in 1932 where he was also recorded in the statement, in it, he said: "I am against any nationalism, even in the guise of mere patriotism. Privileges based on position and property have always seemed to me unjust and pernicious, as did any exaggerated personality cult." I agree with Einstein's assessment of all of this. Even he regretted his science and all he discovered as it was used to hurt others with the atomic bomb and all that happened in Hiroshima. Touched by an Angel had an episode about this once. Just like we should not become consumed by materialism and money and success, we need to not let nationalism to take hold either. When we put our faith in God, pray to Him for more peace, prayer, and unity, knowing that God reigns and is our king and savior over any other then we will see all the true blessings and miracles from our true God, only His kingdom should reign!
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