Be A Blessing and Miracle for Others: Let Love Be Your Main Goal in Life!


I love this Bible verse! Make love your goal in life! Like the song says too, love God and love people! I read this today in my book by Dodie Osteen, Choosing Life One Day at a Time: A Daily Devotional for Men and Women, it has a daily Bible verse, writeup and prayer. This was was really nice for today! It is a good reminder that we are all put here to love one another. It is always a challenge when dealing with humans, but we still need to love each other and pray for each other, although you may come across some difficult people, mean, hateful, bad attitudes, selfish, mediocre, greedy, corrupt, fraudulent, less deserving, we still need to love them, be good role models and pray for others and love them anyways. Sometimes the truth hurts and people will abandon you, but then realize you were only trying to shed light on the truth, the truth is love and many will come to realize this sooner or later.  Love your neighbor as yourself, while not easy, do your best, forgive them, no they are in a different place in their life than you, pray for them, love them, forgive them. We all need to be a blessing and miracle for others here on Earth and let love be our highest aim in life!
