Be a Blessing Anyway, Pray for Those Who Curse You or Mistreat You Just the Same!


I am reminded again from my neighbor who had been offended and hurt by one of the employees here and was crying a lot the past few days. I told her that she should pray for that person anyway in hopes he changes his ways and is a kinder person. She however, is so upset and mad she said she will not pray for him. I think Jesus wants us to pray for those who curse us anyway, anyone who hurts you or mistreats you, you should pray for them. I pray daily for the people who have talked bad about me or mistreated me, daily praying for all of them whether at work, where I live, a friend or family member, etc. I just always pray for all people who do evil or hurtful things to me, that they will change their ways and become better people, more Christ-like. I think we as humans need to be blessings and miracles for others and always pray for those who offend us. It is what God would want us to do. It makes you feel better when you pray for them and takes any bad feelings out of your hands and into God's hands. So when someone hurts you or talks bad about you or mistreats you, pray for them. Bless them! Be that miracle, although maybe you think you shouldn't, God wants you to, bless them anyway! 
