Be Kind, Don't Be Greedy, and Watch Your Words! Try to Be a Blessing to Others When You Can!
My poor neighbor today had a bad experience with the supervisor of maintenance where we live. He was very nasty with her and made her cry a lot. He says he makes $120 an hour and cannot be bothered with helping her at all. He was very unkind, greedy-like, and was mean spirited and used words that were offensive and hurt her so and made her cry a lot. She is a nice old lady, almost 90 years young, she loves her plants and has a really nice nature about her. She is all alone, a widow and has a son in NJ and no one here to help her much. I felt really bad for her and will try to help her. She said she reported his bad behavior to the office and BOD, but I have noticed little ever gets done. Mediocrity and poor leadership is the norm today and for customer service, not much at all exists in this day and age. The ironic thing is we all pay the salaries to them who treat us so poorly. The bottom line in all of this, BE KIND, DON'T BE GREEDY, and WATCH YOUR WORDS! People today really need to watch what they say to others and be kind and not get so greedy and forget about helping an old lady. Where is our civility in this day and age? What blessings and miracles can you provide for others today? Life is not easy, so if you can make someone's day, please try.
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