Be that Blessing and Miracle, Never Settle for Mediocrity, Always Do Your Best for Yourself and the World!


“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord 
you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."
-Colossians 3:23-24

It seems like mediocrity is the norm today in most dealings. People don't try hard, they cave to drugs, alcohol, and addictions. Many lack personal responsibility. Greed, corruption, and fraud are the norm today in our society. Many people are not people of honor or have ethics, morals, or principles. We have poor leaders who  display more greedership than leadership. No one is born mediocre, but society and our upbringings shape us and sometimes lead us down the wrong path to living a mediocre life. God wants us to do our best, to be people of quality and honor. To break down the weights after we use them, to use signals when driving, to be kind and courteous to others. We need to be people of honor and not let mediocrity be a part of our lives. To care, to work hard, and to always do our best in all we do. We all need to shoot for excellence in all we do in our lives. Be victorious not mediocre, don't settle for less than God's best! Be a miracle and blessing to yourself and the world around you, shoot for the stars! 

