Repaying a Curse with a Blessing Today!


Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, 
because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
-1 Peter 3:9

Today I decided to repay a curse to me with a blessing. A young lady driving in front of me was stopped and got out of her car to get something out of her trunk at the stop light. Then when the light turned green she did not move at all, maybe on her phone like so many are today. I waited a few seconds and then gave her a light hunk, she finally started driving. However, not without a reaction of sticking out her arm and her middle finger. I decided to just bless her by saying God bless you and making the sign of the cross. It is ironic that she was in the wrong not paying attention to her driving and stop lights, and then when someone brings it to her attention, she takes offense and flips you the bird. It is so common today when driving. So few are focused on driving and are all on their cellphones. There is not a day that goes by when drivers break rules or are less than focused behind the wheel. AAA reports that older drivers are frustrated with younger drivers and they have found that 39 years of age and younger tend to be less focused and more aggressive as drivers. I always say as I go out each day that I do not want anyone to steal my joy, so I always try to not let anyone bring me down and try to always stay in Spirit! So when they curse me behind the wheel, I will do my best to bless them, saying God bless you and make a sign of the cross to bless them. We can be blessings and miracles to others. I am sure the young lady felt bad after doing what she did and when she saw me blessing her.  Doing my best now to always repaying a curse or evil with a blessing! 
