What a Blessing! So Many Christmas Cards This Year!


We received a lot of Christmas cards this year! it is always nice and festive! The mail though was a real mess, some came late and things I sent still did not get to their destination and weeks have passed. My brother and I still did not get our other brothers card yet. My friend was telling me yesterday her friend sent a package, one day delivery from Coral Gables to North Miami and it took ten days, although he paid for next day service. The mail really seems to be a big mess. I sent cards to all my family up north, all seemed to get them, except for one of my sisters, and I sent them all the same day in the same box, is it lost, it has been three weeks now, mail used to take less than a week to send a card. I hope the US Mail can get their act together, I wonder if they messed up many peoples Christmas.

Christmas cards are a nice touch and old and have been around for years. My mother always used to send and receive a lot of cards. It is a way to connect with people you may not talk to all year. I got a nice card from my nephew who has twins and I hadn't seen any photos of them in a while, so that was so nice. I think Christmas cards are a real blessing for all of us! 
