Be An Eagle! Be A Blessing! Be A Miracle!


Today's Scripture

“As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, taking them up, carrying them on its wings…”

(Deuteronomy 32:11

Joel Osteen had a nice prayer today! I love his daily prayers he emails me. This one was about how God lifts us higher. God is looking out for us, he is like a mother eagle watching out for us, protecting us, getting us ready for our future and to be successful and prepared. God is always with us. God is pushing us, stretching us, opening new doors for us. When one door closes, another one will open which will even be better. God is looking out for us helping us to grow and be a better person. Fly with eagles, be an eagle, don't settle for anything less than God's best for you. It is important in this day and age not to be part of the hate, the anger, the revenge, the violence, and retribution. Stop watching all the negative and hurtful news and shows that are not healthy for an eagle. Fly higher than all of the mediocrity of today, be that blessing and miracle that God wants you to be for this world and His people! 

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that You know what’s best for me, and You’re pushing, stretching, and enlarging me for a reason. Thank You for closed doors as well as open doors. I believe that You’re stirring things up so I will spread my wings and rise to a higher level. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
