Be That Blessing and Miracle: Where Is The Mercy? It is Time to Not Judge, to Love, to Forgive, and to Show Mercy!


Today we live in an age of constant judgement of others. We hate so easily! We are vengeful and show no mercy or love. How did we get to this point with so much division and hate? Jesus was all about mercy. He spoke about love for your neighbor, to not judge anyone, to forgive others, and to always show mercy. However,  hate seems to prevail, to judge others, to be vengeful, to silence and ignore others, to look down on anyone who disagrees with your point of view, and more so if you are a practicing Christian it seems. The hypocrisy is real, the demons seem to be abound and alive in so many today. Hate seems to be so acceptable and so common nowadays. My question is where is the mercy today? We are so quick to be the judge and jury, to convict, to crucify others, so hateful and mean-spirited. We can say we are Catholic yet support killing innocent voiceless babies who have no voice. We say we are Catholic, yet crucify others instead of showing mercy like Jesus Christ wants us to do. When will all the hating end? When will the mercy begin? Who will be willing to show mercy? God's blessings and miracles to His people are great! When will we show them to each other? 


